Monday 11 January 2016

Persistent .mnu file for Elementary OS

Elementary OS is a free download (you just enter 0 for Custom amount to pay - took me a while to figure that out!). If you actually like and use it though, please make a donation as requested.

Elementary OS with changed background (using persistence .mnu file)

You can add the 1GB downloaded ISO file to E2B in the normal way or convert it to a FAT32 .imgPTN file using the MPI_FAT32 shortcut if you want to UEFI-boot from it.

I have uploaded a .mnu file (elementaryos-0.3.2-stable-amd64.20151209_Persistent.mnu) for running the 64-bit ISO with persistence to the E2B Alternate Download area for CSM/MBR booting from the ISO. The sample .mnu file will be in E2B v1.76 also when it is released.

If you want to UEFI-boot with persistence, you can follow the Ubuntu blog post here. You will need to change 'vmlinuz.efi' to 'vmlinuz' in the menu.lst file though...

kernel /casper/vmlinuz  file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent quiet splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.lz

Alternatively, you could fully install it to an empty .imgPTN file as described in this blog post (I have not actually tried it with ElemOS though!).

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